Product Details
Bore Light & Attachments & 3 BAT
Bore Light & attachments &3bat Remington GunCleaning Products - Bore Light with attachments and 3 batteries, Pkg: Clamshell Key Features: Ideal for use on table tops or benches for easy guncleaning. Ideal for inspecting used firearms, cleaning firearms and inspecting bore for obstructions LED light eliminates intense glare allowing for better viewing Compact: easy to carry and stow Comes complete with batteries Includes bothcurved and straight light tubes.
Bore Light & attachments &3bat Remington GunCleaning Products - Bore Light with attachments and 3 batteries, Pkg: Clamshell Key Features: Ideal for use on table tops or benches for easy guncleaning. Ideal for inspecting used firearms, cleaning firearms and inspecting bore for obstructions LED light eliminates intense glare allowing for better viewing Compact: easy to carry and stow Comes complete with batteries Includes bothcurved and straight light tubes.